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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 19, 2023


I use it. I don’t get marketing because I use brave, which has a fucking indestructible adblocker. Like while everyone was panicking from the YouTube issues, I’ve never seen a single message to turn it off on YouTube. And there was a bunch of other things that users has reported, like slow videos, that brave just didn’t have problems with.

Name 3 popular co-op games that came out in the last year

There isn’t really much co-op games left at this point. Most I can think of are just parts of other multiplayer games, which still have an anti cheat for their multiplayer version.

Then you aren’t interested in multiplayer gaming.

The embark account thing is kinda annoying when you already have steam but literally all you have to do is confirm your email. And the anti cheat is required because without it there would be even more hackers than the already is. Try to find a good game that is popular, multiplayer, with no anti cheat and no need for one because nobody cheats.

I would but Firefox is behind on many things including UI, speed, and other things. One of the main reasons is compatibility. A lot of things in html, css, and js don’t yet work in Firefox but do on chromium based browsers. This is even clearly outlined by Mozilla in mdn web docs. The only thing with worse compatibility is safari (who could’ve seen that one coming). Also it seems like this is a Google thing so it probably only affects chrome and not chromium. I’m waiting for arc to be on Windows but if you want chrome without most of Google’s spyware shit just use chromium. You don’t need a chromium based browser if you can just use chromium itself.

Edit: you guys need to chill with the responses. There is so many that sync won’t let me respond despite me writing paragraphs that address everything you guys are concerned about like saying everything works (all of webkit doesn’t).