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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Well I mean your insurance won’t cover the cost of any DNA test that’s being done for heritage identification.

It all happens on X, right? Wait I mean Twitter. No, X. Wait. The X formerly known as Twitter. Twix? No wait, that’s delicious candy. Well whatever, it was going to happen sooner or later, Musk’s an idiot.

Tangential, but what the hell is that big, metallic diamond looking one? Like, does it vibrate? I’d there a hole in the top? Is it… ugh… a butt plug?

Of course they lied about it. I don’t know how anybody could have believed them in the first place.

  • Step 1. Get the loudest, most assertive dog possible (as long as it never bites people).
  • Step 2. Install a doggie-door.
  • Step 3. Train it to wreck drones that land inside the fence perimeter.

Their best feature IMO has always been “not Microsoft” but now I’ll add “not Google” to that.

So how big an exodus to Firefox are we looking at here?

Because nobody has ever lied on one of these lol. Still criminally stupid of ASUS though.

Luckily I hated everyone in highschool and they never bothered me again once I left. If this has happened to me I’d have laughed in their face.

Brave has it’s own issues. Like their owner being a total POS for example.

Don’t Be Evil

It’s been a meme for a while now.

Articles linked here, because Connect for Lemmy (Android) has no adblock fire when it opens up a link.

I gave up caring years ago when I realized it was way too late to undo it all. If Google really cares that I’m a gamer then oh well, at least my ad blockers work just fine and I use Firefox so that’s good enough.

I don’t know, maybe? If they have a process, no matter how laborious and roundabout, they can always claim that they have a process and that you have nothing to complain about, legally speaking. Their wagering that people will not go through all the bullshit, and they’re unfortunately right. That’s literally why they do it. The only correct response is to hound them relentlessly, going to Twitter (or something else idk these days, and I’m not calling it X), the press if necessary, and pestering as many government bodies and officials as you have to in order to make them get their fucking shit together. And then they’ll make your particular situation of priority because now you’re being more of a pain in the ass than actually doing their job is. They won’t change the broken system, because one exception in a thousand isn’t worth it to them to be bothered with.

Tldr, maybe but it probably won’t help you, so make it as big of a headache for them as possible.

They, uh, maybe should have workshoped that name a little more before settling on it.

Civil Forfeiture is theft and Qualified Immunity is a murder license. Not that there seems to be any way to convince anyone in power to fix it