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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


Yeah that’s totally true and worth a bit extra for me too

Yeah I suppose that’s not too expensive, although it feels like a waste when I’m not using all the services provided

I’m pretty much in the same boat, you think it’s worth subscribing only for the vpn and email?

It is google Android but they do not pay for the name so they call it ‘FairphoneOS’.

That’s not how that works, they call it FairphoneOS because they added their own customizations. Default Android is pretty barebones nowadays so nobody uses that. You dont have to pay Google to use the Android name

Yeah it doesn’t work for every website, but it’s an okay starting point

Pretty much all junk which isn’t human readable is tracking info

On the one hand I hear self hosting email is great, on the other hand I hear it’s a pain in the ass to get whitelisted

That would mean pretty much none of the search engines on this list are search engines

I really don’t like how they tried to make it look like an iPhone or whatever, otherwise I’d love to try it