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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Not the first time I see it on Lemmy but I’m really glad it’s getting traction. I expect a lot from the DMA

Idk if it’s possible, but you could try saying you’re now a EU citizen and you want all you data and everything related to you deleted, according to GDPR laws.

That’s alright for now. But I’m not comfortable having hardware that can actually share data with manufacturers. It might be used for improvement atm, but tech industry has been quite creative lately when it comes to harvesting data and being intrusive. I’m so disappointed in this industry on that matter that I may have become too cautious, idk

Ah yes, it will stay a Beta for ever and data collected will always be only for improvement. This is 100% sure, tech history has always been this way. There is no possible way to turn this otherwise.

Everything you own, everything you use collects data. I’m tired of being profiled and analysed. Even a GPU now collects data about me, where does it stop ?

I chose Apple on that matter. Not that it’s the perfect choice, but it’s for now a “good” compromise. At least they “seem” to be concerned about their customers’ data (encrypted messages, data not sold to advertisers…)

I switched for Proton Mail paid plan a few months back. Glad I did

Yes, this is such a precious tool. And if they ask for a phone number, you can also find temporary phone number. So useful to confirm account !