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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 22, 2023


Telegram never was and never will be a secure messaging platform. Anyone using it as a such is an idiot.

I fail to see how that would’ve helped in that situation, it had extended to real life.

I’ve had no responsive issues with FUTO so far, just the occasional typo from the ever so slightly different layout.

Definitely happens in some older games or games with weird implementations / ports

Wow I haven’t thought about xfire in a long time

My old college dorm did this, I told them I don’t have a smartphone (lie) and they gave me an access card that works 100% of the time without needing a charge. They might do the same at your gym.

I personally like to keep them separate as I use the different devices for different purposes. I don’t really ever have more than the visible row of bookmarks at any one time. If I need to save something I’m not using often, I’ll archive the page. Like for recipes in particular I have a directory filled with them.

Not usually, I don’t find it necessary most of the time. I have a separate pw manager (bitwarden) and if I need to share tabs I just message myself

I use Firefox focus for random browsing, normal Firefox for general browsing that I want to keep the history of, and Mull for anything where I want to absolutely minimize tracking / enhance privacy.