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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Nov 22, 2023


Definitely happens in some older games or games with weird implementations / ports

Wow I haven’t thought about xfire in a long time

My old college dorm did this, I told them I don’t have a smartphone (lie) and they gave me an access card that works 100% of the time without needing a charge. They might do the same at your gym.

I personally like to keep them separate as I use the different devices for different purposes. I don’t really ever have more than the visible row of bookmarks at any one time. If I need to save something I’m not using often, I’ll archive the page. Like for recipes in particular I have a directory filled with them.

Not usually, I don’t find it necessary most of the time. I have a separate pw manager (bitwarden) and if I need to share tabs I just message myself

I use Firefox focus for random browsing, normal Firefox for general browsing that I want to keep the history of, and Mull for anything where I want to absolutely minimize tracking / enhance privacy.