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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Since you’re specifically looking to replace OneNote, you might want to take a look at BookStack. It has similar organizational concepts, and I think it’s FOSS.

Not trying to make the choice harder, but mailbox.org seems to fit into the choices as well (also hostesd in Germany). Also in terms of hosting in Switzerland, keep in mind that it’s not actually part of the EU, which is the primary/original source for many of the privacy laws you probably care about if you’re looking into these providers.

Of course they can interact with it just fine, look at “sponsorblock” plug-in. It would also solve this problem completely. It already exists and works well, it just isn’t “AI” nonsense.

Yup, it would be. But many people are, so they changed that it’s displayed at all by default.

Since the other comment didn’t Go into detail: Microsofts “Recall” will so that on every Windows 11 PC soon. Literally index everything you do or look at, OCR-ing periodic screenshots. Also storing them, possibly including sensitive information like this.