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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Oh, haven’t realized that the links were in your post…

Hm, you can “open exe in wine prefix” or something like this from within lutris, maybe that will work

Have you installed Wine? I mean not in Lutris, but actual Wine in Pop!_OS. Then you can just double click the setup.exe like you’re in windows, install it where you want and then add it to lutris by adding a game manually.

That’s my prefered way of installing any windows program an most of the time it works.

Plain arch is great for gaming, no need for a gaming specific distro

Thing is people who have bad things in mind are always more likely to use their own codes. You dont need an encrypted messenger to send encrypted messages. It’s a boy.

But normal people who think that they have nothing to fear and therefore nothing to hide won’t take that efforts upon them. They will live their lifes and one day they could be targeted by a government that wants to eradicate them. Using the data their predecessors gathered.

Privacy brings security under totalitarian regimes or in countries that shift in that direction. They might say if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, but there are unjust conditions under which you have to hide things, like that you belong to minority that is targeted by the authorities. Like the nazis did in the third reich, where privacy was reduced during their takeover. Or that you belong to a party that is suddenly framed as evil and enemies of the nation. Or if you have connections to “traitors” or other “scum”.


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What browser are you using? What do you do to stay private?

Probably you have cookies set ragarding your language preferences for the sites you browse on a regular basis, at least.

Synthetic CPU and GPU Benchmarks will give you an idea which one might be faster, but in practice a previously “slower” GPU can beat a “faster” one in certain gsmes. Same goes for processors.

And even further: having one GPU running CS:Go with 300 fps and another one with 3000 makes absolutely no difference when playing the game.

I don’t disagree with your expierence or the other ones. Might be actually true, might be the result of bias, might be related to other issues, it ultimatively does not matter to me as in my day to day expierence one does not surpasses the other in terms of speed, and I am not the only one with this experience.

These actual benchmarks are just synthetic ones. In my personal expierence (using (ungoogled-)chromium and firefox side by side on the same sites) neither is noticeable faster or slower.

Bandcamp isn’t open source but pretty fair IMO and you can stream via Newpipe or Kodi plugin. It is not a direct alternative but good enough. Using Newpipe you can also access everything on Youtube Music.