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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Exactly! It’s more profitable for them to manufacture spyware over building a functional machine. There is no excusing their behaviour, they can manufacture a tv that’s good and affordable, they just won’t.

Shit like this is why we need more antitrust laws and consumer protections. Break up some monopolies already!!

If you can’t produce a product without subsidizing it by pumping it full of data tracking nonsense then you don’t deserve to be a fucking company.

Fuck that and you know it. They only produce this garbage because they get more value out of your data not because they can’t fucking manufacture a good affordable tv.

Stop humouring the assholes that are still on that bigoted network. It’s X not twitter. Twitter is dead.

Every time someone calls it twitter, don’t give them the satisfaction of disassociating themselves from Musky’s X.

Oh so you’re an X’er. You like to Xeet a lot eh?

I had to do the same thing. If they are dear friends then they shouldn’t have a problem getting a free app to chat with you. Otherwise sms is always an option.

Someone has to be the catalyst for change. Otherwise the corporate grip is only going to get stronger and soon enough all corporate social media will be subscription only.

Just STOP using their service.

This situation isn’t getting any better. After this they will regularly up the price and take out features that you are used to and charged you extra.

They are still gathering and selling your information. Meaning you might not get ads on instagram but your digital fingerprint is still being used literally on every other website that FB works with.

Corporate social media is a toxic parasite that’s only going to enshittify more and more while people are willing frogs boiling themselves slowly.

Join mastodon, pixelfed and peertube. That’s the future of consumer rights and clawing away from billionaire ownership.

I’ve been trying to switch over but haven’t found a good iOS app yet. Know of any?