The Post Ninja

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


How about running an Opnsense VLAN routed through the VPN, so your PC doesn’t have to have a client side VPN app and just assumes by normal router function its WAN IP is the VPN IP, and being in an isolated VLAN it is a device that lives solo on its own little network.

Everywhere except in the USA’s Republican states. It’s an unforgiveable sin to be seen with a mask on there for stupid reasons.

TRIM is a command / instruction for solid state storage to release a block of data, so it is blanked and ready to be written again.

So now we know, iPhones and iPads don’t TRIM their storage memory.

Debian LXDE goat

Lowest memory usage desktop that is at least functionally complete and doesn’t require relearning how to everything.

Second this. Mint is a “just works”, has support for nvidia and dual graphics, and it also does secure boot as well, which all distros should be doing by now… Arch

Win 11 Pro lets you skip MS Account Creation - 11 non-pro does not