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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 15, 2022


Sure, so swap it out with something that costs more than 3K.

  • What if you want to buy a A100, it’s a graphics card for doing maths on your computer, it costs 5000 euro. Maybe I’m using it for my AI boyfriend and I think it’s embarrassing and don’t want anyone to know, or I’m making political cartoons with 3D software and need a lot of VRAM.
  • Maybe I’m buying very many hijabs. Maybe I’m buying solar panels and don’t want to randomly selected to be bothered by the cannabis inspector or I bought a new projector explicitly to give to someone else, but I don’t want to be bothered by the telly license inspector – who at least in Ireland is allowed to invade your privacy and inspect your home looking for projectors. It’s not illegal to own a projector and not pay the license, it’s only illegal to connect and use a projector without paying the license. If you buy it as a gift for someone who already has some sort of screen and is paying the license, you haven’t done anything wrong and don’t deserve the scrutiny.
  • Maybe I bought a statue and I don’t want the government to know who I idolise.
  • Maybe I bought furniture and I don’t want the government to know in case the person who made the furniture turns out to be the wrong ethnicity or religion or political affiliation in the future.
  • Maybe I bought a auto or bike to mod for use on my own property and don’t want the government to notify all the relevant patent holders “just in case”.

It stops you from spending your money anonymously. Why is it the state’s business if you want to buy a hijab? Fine, they’re illegal to wear outside, but if it’s legal to wear inside I should be allowed to own one without scrutiny. But I also don’t trust the regime that outlawed them in the first place to let me do that.

So the reason they give you multiple credits instead of just a 30 day cookie when you sign into a website is that it’s anonymised right? You generate them and save them offline and the government doesn’t know which token belongs to who?

You’re taking the manufacturer’s word for it right now. They already have all the required components built in, GPS, antenna and computer.

This is only true in a people’s democracy. The Netherlands is capitalist. The government is the collective will of the capitalist class.

I’m not an expert on Flatpak, but yes, I believe Flatpak comprehensively protects you from applications snooping on your systemd resolve cache. I was talking about the Windows version of Steam in my previous comment.

Yes obviously. This is their privacy policy. https://store.steampowered.com/privacy_agreement/

It wasn’t that long ago they got caught downloading everyone’s DNS caches in real time. That means any website you access, Steam lets Gabe know. Also any website you accessed in the past, even while Steam was off at the time.
I don’t know how trustworthy these people are, but Common.org rated them worse than they did Facebook.

Not as bad as USA, but companies are required to keep visitor data for 6 months in Norway, and make it available to police on request. Running a no logs VPN in Norway is illegal.

Max-P commented on this thread saying the software was made by Google and part of Android (not Play Store services).

The first row and first column should stay visible when you scroll with such a dense graph.

I routinely have more than 100 tabs open. Firefox doesn’t crash for me or use much RAM. Many tabs is a normal use-case and Firefox working worse than alternatives in such scenarios is a failing of Firefox.

But again, mine handles it fine. So potentially OP should try again with an up to date Firefox.

Maybe I’m being stupid but doesn’t Firefox have tab-groups?

Another thing that makes it a bad decision/situation is that CS is one of those games that players want to keep installed. It’s not a single player story where you finish it, then you free that space back up for the next game. And it’s also not a MS Flight Sim or The Sims where it’s the only game you play every day. CS you come back to regularly, but never value that strongly. It should load quick and be free to keep installed.

So basically nobody meets these requirements, right? Practically no one has a sound card, and even the storage requirement is pretty steep. The Steam deck for example only has 64 total, and if you have one of the more expensive ones with more space, what are the chances that you still have 85GB free? My games drive on my very high end PC currently has less, and I also don’t have a PCI sound card.

Maybe OPs friends will switch over when that happens.

Signal does suck though. What kind of privacy focused decision is mandatory SIM association?