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Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


If the devs aren’t trustworthy, I’m sure as hell not trusting that they didn’t add something extra.

Of course it is! But Peter Thiel isn’t bipartisan, so idk what that has to do with his involvement in Brave. He self-identifies as far-right. Not leftist, liberal, or independent. And since we’re talking specifically about Brave and Thiel, I don’t really care about whataboutism in this context.

I would appreciate it if conservatives stopped trying to strip away our rights, including the right to privacy.

Let’s not forget one of the biggest investors is a right-wing billionaire who runs a corporate intelligence agency that contracts with the DoD. And the only proof we have that he doesn’t collect data on Brave’s users is the questionable word of the devs.

Well, I never intend on paying for any EA title anyway, so I suppose I don’t need to worry about it.

Probably not without bricking your car. I doubt they are gonna tell you how to disable the telemetry, and with how connected the systems are these days, if you break something the whole thing stops working.

This isn’t the last stand. This is the latest stand. While this fight might seem the biggest, never forget it’s not the last we’ll have to take part in. If this fails, they’ll keep coming with some new idea later on down the road in order to deny us our right to privacy. Don’t give up. Keep giving them hell every step of the way.

I think the annoymousjoker summed it up nicely, but let me add that anytime you have venture capital funds investing millions into your product, it means they think it’s going to make them a lot of money. Since you’re not paying for Brave, you need to ask yourself how are they returning on that investment? And the answer to that is that anytime a corporation offers a service for free, it’s because the product they’re making money off of isn’t the service, the product is you and your data.

You mean the crypto-bro browser funded by billionaire Peter Thiel, who runs the corporate intelligence agency Palantir, which contracts with the Department of Defense to spy on Americans?

Uh, no.