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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Dec 20, 2023


Fair enough; however, to me it’s only optimal when there are no alternatives.

But to each their own.

Can’t help but mention Yandex is 100% as evil as Google is.

Out of popular choices, DeepL is probably least evil. Reverso is often a nice pick, too, especially Reverso Context.

There are also things like LibreTranslate, though the quality is generally lower (but can absolutely come in handy for simpler requests)

I straight up refuse to legally purchase any media that is officially unavailable for DRM-free download.

Such behavior on the side of creators and publishers cannot be tolerated.

Pirate it. They deserved it with such policies.

If some piece of media is unavailable without DRM/Internet connection - feel free to pirate it.

Often times, this is the only way to restore control over your media. And it’s a sign that we’re only able to tolerate it so far.

Then, your pirated media can be placed wherever you like - and taken offline if you want to.

Also, Linux is your best friend. No, seriously. No one proposes to insert any form of DRM in there, and everyone is free to fork unwanted changes, so it never has to come. You decide what you want.

Government always tries to establish as much power imbalance as possible