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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Did you know the early early internet researchers were part of a clandestine government organization known as ARPANET??? The entire TCP/IP stack is just a state-sponsored backdoor into your life!!!


So the ending to the story which i didnt feel like typing out earlier was that i loaded debian on to the macbook and it runs 2x faster now with regular security updates…

The vast majority of people will never edit a video. The vast majority would be perfectly happy doing 90% of their work in a browser on older hardware instead of chucking it in the bin

Its hilarious that apple is creating a bunch of ewaste for no good reaaon?

My mom’s macbook is 14 years old and perfectly functional. So why doesnt it work (well) anymore?

Apple doesnt provide updated root certificates anymore, so all https sitesare borked.

Would be so cool if my kids and nieces/nephews used IRC!!

Still need a phone number to register. Then after that, you can give out your username to others without revealing your phone number

Hmmmm… I already have a nextcloud instance running… This is probably the most frictionless option for me…

I’ll look into NC talk on iphone for her. Thanks!

why are you trying to privately communicate with a minor?

Uhm… Because my niece asked me yesterday if she could message me on her phone.

When i say “private” i mean not hosted/harvested by facebook or google or whatever.

My brother has full acess to the device and can read our messages. Also, he is well aware that she is messaging her aunts and uncles

I don’t want to assume the worst

Proceeds to assume the absolute worst

Private chat app using wifi only. No SIM available
My niece has an old iphone with no SIM/phone number. Only wifi internet access. Looking for an app for both of us to be able to chat She cant chat with me over signal because no phonee number. She chats with the rest of the family over imessage, but i have an android phone Is there an app available for both android and iphone to let me chat with her? Thanks Edit: willing to self-host for extra privacy. My nieces and nephews are all young children so i definitely want to encourage/educate them to get off corporate controlled communications channels

I only learned this during the pandemic when i started working from home and my work laptop would wake up at 1am, fans blasting 100%

Or my laptop would wake up in my backpack during my commute and drain the whole battery…

I opened a helpdesk ticket and they didnt know why. Their solution was “just turn off your laptop”…

After doing my owm digging, i realized S3 was gone and windows just does whatever the fuck it wants

For me, windows 2000 was the last good version

Windows XP was an acceptable step backwards… Everything after that was utter shit… Windows 7 was when i started dabbling in linux

I suspect its a millenial thing…

A few of us old guys keep personal devices… Our young colleages just expect the company to provide devices for them and never have to buy their own

IT: “You’ve been fired. Please return your laptop…”

“But how do i retrieve all my personal files?”

IT: [Shrug emoji]

Everybody has a cell phone

All of my colleagues have work provided phones and laptops. They do all their personal shit on these devices (they don’t have their own)

They think i’m a huge weirdo for having my own personal devices… “Why waste money? Work gives us computer/phone… Lol, you carry two phones like a drug dealer?”

What are the rules on responsible disclosure? Shouldnt they have waited until patches are ready before public disclosure of the exploit?

Q: When did Facebook decide it was ok to demand a scan of your driver’s license? A: when people became stupid enough to scan their driver’s license and send it to a website

“dumb fucks…” – mark zuckerberg


  1. Does your package manager (apt/yum/portage/etc) install the correct gpu drivers?
  2. Does the package manager install steam + dependencies?

If yes to both, you have a gaming distro