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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Warframe at 28 is nice. The devs acknowledge Proton and even accept bug reports for those using it. Very cool chart overall.

Unlikely to help, but while you’re experimenting: PROTON_LOG=1 PROTON_LOG_DIR="/tmp/" WINEDEBUG="-all" fixed some extremely annoying hangs during loading screens for me. Probably a 1 in a million chance it helps in your case, but who knows.

Financially the right move. If what I read was correct, it would take approx. 8 years of steady Patreon income to get to the $2.4M figure anyway.

They must know they fucked up somewhere and decided to go this route rather than get exposed for potential shenanigans. From reading comments in other communities I was surprised to see a lot of people expected this outcome, although nobody was particularly specific about why (maybe someone here can give some insight.) For the record I’ve been on team “Fuck Nintendo” after the Gamecube, but I’d take the fact that other emulators haven’t been targeted as possible hint that Nintendo got wind of something wacky going on. Who knows, maybe they’re next?

His meltdown after he launched Rust on Linux and then found out his mouse wasn’t supported by Ubuntu is one of the all-time greatest tweet threads. The fact that it was a mouse that ultimately sent him into the anti-Linux spiral that resulted in people being able to refund the game regardless of hours played is extremely funny to me.

If you give this guy money then I don’t know what to tell you. He detests Linux users and has said as much while still taking money from them.

I get Bad Company 2 vibes from this. Might give it a shot.

Help understanding huge performance increase with PROTON_LOG=1
TL;DR: `PROTON_LOG=1` drastically improves performance in Warframe. I've been dealing with persistent stuttering and general slowdown in Warframe, particularly when assets were loading in upon startup and especially during loading screens. Generally, once I would get into actual gameplay things would be smooth (according to both myself and Mangohud,) but going from a hub to an open world area would completely tank performance or even outright halt rendering for 30 to 40 seconds in the worst-case scenario. I decided to start poking into what was happening and immediately found out that `PROTON_LOG=1` completely solves all of these problems. The longest loading time (30 seconds or so) is now 5 seconds. Missions load almost instantaneously. The generated log is extremely verbose at around 1MB a minute. I don't see anything obviously wrong, but then again the game is working as it should. Why is this? Wouldn't not generating the log be faster?

Re-Volt. Modern rewrite of the classic RC car racing game. Two decades of community-created tracks and cars to choose from. Still has an active multiplayer community, too!

Interesting read. I prefer C over any other language for game development. It’s cool to see people work with it and realize it’s still viable.