
Since arrowos on sweet https://arrowos.net/download/sweeet is discontinued, I want to change to another ROM, but I don’t know what to choose.

I highly recommend crDroid. It’s super customizable and has a good battery life / performance ratio.

It just got lineage os official

There’s always PixelExperience which is pretty good per my experience (on Mi 9T Pro).


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Go to their telegram channel see which roms gets more public rating. Generally there are two types of audience one is battery friendly roms and other one is performance based some are even balanced so choose as per your liking.

Ps: remember unofficial doesn’t mean it’s bad or not safe. If the dev is good the. Unofficials rom even beat the official ones.


Hi, thanks for you answer !

I don’t have telegram, and I don’t want to give my phone number to them, is there a way to have access to telegram channel without a phone number ?

You can use services like majorphones.com or smspool.com. they offer non-voip number for telegram very cheap (less than $0.5).


You can buy the SMS verification for Telegram on sites likes smspool.net using crypt I currencies such as Bitcoin or Monero.

Idk maybe use a burner number for it. They are even asking email id also I’ll suggest use email aliasing also.

Other options are XDA forums though some roms aren’t posted on xda, maybe dev lazy or xda is really dying because of telegram.

@folak @Apeeksiht they are selling tags (name handles) with a cryptocoin but prices now are too high imo. check for yourself: https://fragment.com

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