This is not about privacy I guess, but I am really uncertain.

Lots of Youtubers also have Peertube channels. Newpipe on Android can play those too, so I always watch the Peertube “mirrors”.

But what is best from multiple points? Privacy, efficiency, saving data resources from nice people?

There are some Invidious instances embedding “googlevideo” javascript, I think those are not proxies and I dont suck their resources that much. The same goes for Newpipe and Freetube, which watch the videos locally, unless they break, they are best.

But then, Peertube on Newpipe? I guess its nice for reliability, anticensorship and “freedom”. But it sucks resources from nice people, and I already have a VPN.

On the other hand, is peertube better than Invidious proxy? I think I suck resources from both, maybe its better to use Peertube here, as they dont get blacklisted, so their servers just have higher usage.

And points? I am curious.


Use Peertube if one of your concern is to promote a world where YouTube is not the only way for a creator to host videos. It shows them (and sponsors) that the efforts to maintain another platform is viable. Resources are not the main issue for Peertube, as it uses WebTorrent to distribute a video using peer-to-peer.

If you fear to miss something in the YouTube comments (really?), use Invidious.

Do either of them block ads?

Kinda. PeerTube is a self-hostable application that creators can use to host their content, so it doesn’t have ads per se. Invidious, just like youtube-dl, fetches video files from YouTube servers, so it also doesn’t play any ads that would normally be played before and during video.

interesting, thank you!

Peertube is for people who want to get away from Youtube. Invidious is for people who want a better UI for Youtube.

My approache is simple, on phone I use LibreTube and NewPipe, but don’t watch that much here. Mostly listen to music.

On laptop I default to peertube where I can, and use Piped where I can’t. To save on resources I just use ‘yt-dlp’ to download what I want to watch.

Added bonus, I have local copy for preservation or just putting in my notes.

Joe Bidet

Am afraid that using invidious, newpipe or any other youtube “viewer” is actually giving the videos their view count, and therefore making you “vote” in the recommendation algorithm that is at the heart of so much bias… can anyone confirm or infirm that?

deleted by creator


This is something I’m wondering too. A lot of these services are amazing alternatives, but I don’t want to add any extra strain if I don’t have to.

Especially with video and how resource intensive it is

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