I am currently in the process of finally getting rid of my Meta-account. In the process I have requested data extraction. The media stuff was made available pretty quickly, but the data logs are still being processed. Does anyone know what data they actually contain, and whether there’s any point in waiting for it?

The reason I ask is that I also recently got a notification saying that will soon train their AI-model on my data which they will use the “legitimate interest” bullshit to do. I want to have my account deleted by the time this will be phased in (towards the end of June).

So now I am in the dilemma of waiting for the data logs to complete (which I don’t know how long will take) or just delete my account in hopes that it will be purged before the AI-stuff goes into effect. I am unable to find out exactly what these data logs consists of and whether there is any point in keeping onto them for whatever reason.

Now, whether I can trust that they actually delete the data is another matter, but at least I would’ve done what I can, and they would break the law if the retain the data after my deletion request (under GDPR).

It’s probably not that interesting.

You might be able to request deletion and still get the data dump, since that request was first.


It was made available today. You are entirely correct, it was not very interesting. And the data seems to be lacking, only going back a couple of months (except some categories that went back a couple of years) even though I requested a full log since account creation. This might because I have purged my activity logs before.

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