From $299, the cost-effective choice AYANEO NEXT LITE subscriptions open… - AYANEO
Founded in 2020, AYANEO is a revolutionary brand for portable gaming consoles. Our team consists of passionate gamers and tech-savvy experts who want to provide gamers with the most advanced and up-to-date gaming experiences. We’ve developed a line of powerful and portable gaming handhelds, with the latest Windows operating system and the latest gaming technologies pre-installed. Our motto, “Real gamers know gamers,” reflects our commitment to creating a community of gamers around the world, while providing the best gaming experiences to gamers everywhere. We are constantly challenging the status quo, innovating and creating products that push the boundaries of gaming technology, so that gamers can always have the best experience.

Sounds awesome I can’t wait to see it in action

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Gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system.

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