Hello, could someone recommended a keyboard for android that is a bit smart in predictive typing? I used to like swiftkeybefore it was bought by microsoft. Not that swiftkey itself was much better but I was not so privy conscious at that time.

I recall swiftkey would require access to your texts and emails to train itself to your predictions.

Is there some similar foss keyboard where all the data then remains local?

I know swiftkey has an incognito mode, but then it stops learning from your typing.

OK, I never claimed one did. We’re talking the masses here, including the masses of people who still like privacy. Not one off use cases where people are content with F-Droid only phones, most aren’t. Most want the line of Privacy, Security, but also still have smartphones that are smartphones and not a bunch of outdated many times abandoned apps that look like they’re from the KitKat days. If you’re OK with that cool, but the majority typically isn’t.

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