Just heard of Lemmy today

I would love to leave reddit

Whats most privacy respecting android app for Lemmy ?

Any working what?

I’m using the website of my instance. Lemmy instances typically have their own website you can use - which is exactly or slightly modified versions of the interface of the Lemmy project.

If you trust your instance with your account and its associated data surely you trust it’s website.


@Kissaki I want to know if there is any app (client) which works. Because I have tried some from F-droid and they show login error.


You cannot log in to a Lemmy server from an account hosted on Mastodon. You need to make a Lemmy account to do that.

Otherwise, you can follow Lemmy accounts and rooms from Mastodon, but it will be very janky.

Edit: down voters care to explain why I’m wrong?

Edit: down voters care to explain why I’m wrong?

You’d think the lesson would have been learned by hive mind drive-by down votes with Reddit. You always know when somebody (actually) can dispute what you say, because they say it!


Open the actual post and you will see various and numerous answers, including mine.


Dunno why you @ me on my comment when I specifically talked about not using an app but the website.


Mastodon accounts automatically add the @

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

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