Comparison of Android ROMs

On average I get like an hour and a half of screen time per day. I use my phone to message people on Signal, I connect it to my bluetooth earbuds and listen to music or a podcast when I go for a run and I occasionally like to take photos. I don’t waste my time scrolling through TikTok for 8 hours like many other people unfortunately do. One week of battery life is pretty rare, but it has happened before. As I said, usually I get 2-3 days out of it when I it charge up to 80%. (charging up to 100% is bad for battery health, so I try to avoid it). I’m sure you will be fine. You can get a Pixel, install Graphene, try it out and give it back and receive a refund if you don’t like it. That’s the good thing about Pixels, installing a custom OS doesn’t void the warranty or anything like that. You can just revert back to the stock OS and everything will be fine.

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