“they” don’t

There are a lot of different views on it between people and EU institutions and they’re having difficulties finding a compromise. After all this time and reduction of scope and severity, the one they have now still can’t proceed because of how far apart they all are in their opinions, assessments, and positions.

And now that they started questioning the driving person about their press-reported links to the big scanning software lobby orgs, with questionable results, even more people will become skeptical.


Nailed it.

There are different groups who want different things.

In general, most politicians are amoral bastards, just looking out for their own angle, which means placating different interest groups.

Not all politicians, and not all to the worst degree. Some a little captured by special interest, some a lot captured.

Some politicians (damn few) are somewhat decent, but even they can’t push against the tide of their so-called “peers”.

And then you have voters, many are easily swayed by “think about the children” and have little knowledge of how any of this works.

Kind of a perfect storm of crap.

And don’t anyone think this is a UK problem. Politicians everywhere push this garbage as much as they can in their system.

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