I’m looking for a way to keep track my recurring subscriptions. I just want a nice overview of recurring payments and where they come from, I don’t need a solution to actively go and manage the subscriptions for me. Unfortunately my bank, despite being a trendy digital bank, does not have a good built-in tool for this.

There’s a plethora of third party services I found for this (Truebill, TrackMySubs, Hiatus, etc.) but they require you to give them unrestricted access to your bank account activity which seems like a privacy nightmare. I’ve also found some less invasive apps, such as Subby for Android, but they’re basically just nice views over manually entered data. The ones I’ve found also seem to be single-platform only: even if you can sync your data (not always the case) you can then only view it from the app on the same platform.

Do you have a good solution for this? Something that’s a middle ground between giving your entire payment history to some random company and a good-looking local-only spreadsheet?

So lame

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