It’s Time to Stop Paying for a VPN (Published 2021)
Many virtual private network services that were meant to protect your web browsing can no longer be trusted. Here are other ways.

Fun fact your data isn’t safe anywhere

No, but you can at least choose who you distrust the least with a VPN.


And at least that entity has some stake in doing what they say they are doing. Proton VPN just to pick one as an example should care a lot about if a story were ever to surface about not being trustworthy as users would leave since that’s it’s only purpose.

My ISP on the other hand probably doesn’t care too much since my choices are A) take it, or B) leave it and go without internet (or drastically subpar services, 5G internet, satellite, etc).

Meanwhile, ISPs actively sell every single byte about you and your browsing habits that they can.

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