So, Telegram has launched horrible ads that look a lot like spam to me. At least in my channels it’s typically some crypto bullshit. So, I wonder if people know about alternatives to the subscription service for blocking them? Sadly, Forkgram won’t offer that option and it doesn’t seem to be allowed. However, I wonder if there are still forks out there which block the ads? Or do people know of alternative options?
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much thanks to @gary_host_laptop for the logo design :)
Which one? There’s three in my post. And I do use an ad blocking DNS, but this can’t block message-like ads from Telegram. Otherwise it would have to somehow read the encrypted message content…
The first one (ads). I’m not a heavy user, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen ads or sponsored messages even in unencrypted chats. I use Mullvad’s DNS blocker.