"Matrix" (a government connected federated messaging protocol, similar to discord in many ways)... is grappling with an overwhelming problem, where a substan...

. For one, there’s comparatively zero users across XMPP anyways, and it has a big problem with compatibility across different software packages.

This isn’t a problem, the problem is that we lack decent clients. XMPP is the most standardized thing ever, both the core thing and extensions are covered by RFCs but currently there isn’t much investment into creating solid clients.

server operators unknowingly hosting copies of it across the world.

Well, at least a properly configured XMPP server with the relevant extensions won’t be a metadata clusterfuck like Matrix is. Nor it will be centered around a spec and software made by a single for profit organization.

Then there’s the privacy and GDPR minefields that come with any decentralized/federated service.

Email is federated and nobody is complaining about it.

Email does not have a CSAM problem

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