I have been considering replacing my nearly 7 year old iPhone (although very reluctant) and I was checking for options. Really the only phone that caught my eye was the Sony xperia 1 V, but I found no information about how to degoogle and lock down the device. I really like the features and the built in camera apps, etc. Is there a way to degoogle the phone without loosing the funcionality/ease of use?

Sony Corporation (which includes Sony Mobile) is not the same subsidiary as Sony Interactive Entertainment (which owns PlayStation). There is no reason to just blindly assume that the two companies have the exact same business structure. You talk about snake oil but the only one making baseless claims here is you.

meseek #2982

They run by the same people bro. Please please please tell me you are trolling right now. Please. They all answer to the CEO of Sony in Japan. I can’t even right now with this stupid. Sony is trash. Every part of the world. Every product and service.

You honestly sound like Sony lawyers in the case against GeoHot. They literally tried the same shit in court lol: https://www.vg247.com/sony-accused-of-material-misrepresentation-in-geohot-case

They all answer to the CEO of Sony in Japan.

Another fundamental misunderstanding of how conglomerates work. There is not one person right at the top telling every single subsidiary to follow their evil master plan to the letter. Each division will be formulating its own strategies to meet whatever targets have been set.

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