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The Chinese are still laughing because they covertly using their EV cars as trojans

I’m being downvoted for telling the truth?

Same reason why Teslas are banned on Chinese military bases. Data goes back to US servers that are accessible by the US government at any time.

True, but that isn’t a justification for the Chinese government attacking human rights.

And what is the justification for the US attacking human rights?

The different in the US is that the US constitution grants US citizens protection and protects against totally tyrany. It is very much not perfect and the US is full of problems but at the end of the day I can still have my own beliefs without being in danger. Mass surveillance is very dangerous and I think it is a violation of what the US should stand for but the US still protects freedom.

Also I do not think the US should be compared to China. At the end of the day two wrongs do not make a right. We should uphold strong ethics and be champions of individual freedom and democracy. We should challenge anything that we disagree with as the people need to be active in the government. If you challenge the state party in China you will be jailed or worse.

The US has some dark history but we don’t bury it. Think slavery, Asian interment camps and South American conquest.

Lol that piece paper is not a god. It’s useless jibberish written by traitors starting a now failed nation.

You have no rights in the USA. Everything you’re granted as a right, you are also denied as a right by other laws. It’s the playbook of a tyrannical society. Name ANY law that you have a right to, and then look up to find another law taking that exact right away from you.

Just like a tyrannical society, you’re guaranteed nothing. But you can fly under the radar if you agree with the political powers that be. Which is no different than any country at any point in history.

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