Battle for Libraries
Don’t let libraries die. As the future goes digital, major publishers are suing to cut off libraries’ defense of digital books from censorship. It’s time to fight back.

It looks like the internet archive is needed assistance, I just heard about this today and figured lemmy could help spread this message around

Sadly in countries without a pirate party, like Denmark, you can’t (as far as I know) vote for the EP pirate party.

Does voting for a party like that even help anything? I’m asking because my voting experience is US, and everyone knows how many parties matter here. So I’m curious.

Yes. In most European countries even small parties can get seats. In my country there are 8 parties in parliament, for example, and 2 of them didn’t use to be there 2 election cycles ago (they were too small/new 8 years ago but eventually grew in popularity and got enough votes for representation).

Of course if they only have 1 or 2 members in parliament they typcily tend to form coalitions with other like-minded parties so they can get more voting power.

I wonder how many people that aren’t from the US running around telling people to vote third party their are, because of what you just described.

It does a bit, since every party will be represented in the European council based on the number of votes they have. It’s not an election where the winner takes all.

I think the pirates had one or two representatives in the council, which is enough to start debates and make proposals. They obviously can’t push anything through by themselves.

Nice. That sounds like more than we have available. Thank you

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