Battle for Libraries
Don’t let libraries die. As the future goes digital, major publishers are suing to cut off libraries’ defense of digital books from censorship. It’s time to fight back.

It looks like the internet archive is needed assistance, I just heard about this today and figured lemmy could help spread this message around

Interesting. And there really is nothing stopping someone in control from getting themselves a huge portion of it, while laying off staff?

That seems like a huge flaw that someone with the required people skills (read, social engineering) can exploit.

Anti Commercial-AI license

Thats not a violation of being a nonprofit. If someone does work, they should get paid for their work.

The point of a nonprofit is to prevent folks who don’t work from stealing the org’s cash. Really, this is the baseline for any ethical org. All for-profit companies should just straight-up be illegal to form.

Of course, it happens all the time with many non profit orgs. They even pest you and call people for donations. You didn’t know?

My grandma is pestered daily from some organisations that ‚help poor kids’ or whatever. Pretty lucrative business.

Some even get public money and are connected to politicans that sometimes launder public money through them, seemingly with no consequences.

Legitimate ones will never whore for cash with spam emails or calls and won’t be connected to government. All the rest are just get rich schemes.

You have to do proper, thorough research before you donate money to some kids helping org or similar. Else you will just fund someone’s Porsche.

Legitimate nonprofits definitely will ask you for donations.

Yeah well if they call/mail you specifically getting your contact from some leak database you can safely mark them as scam. As great number of them are.

Similarly you wouldn’t give money to beggars in the street because you know most of them aren’t in need of help but make money like this, scamming ppl while those that really need help are helped by various legit orgs you give money to instead.

Those scummy orgs are like these beggars manipulating you into pity. It’s very powerful manipulation mechanism and very often works. My grandma was scammed like this many times before we persuaded her to not send money to random people. Instead you should sit down, browse the list of legit orgs and choose one/few to support once a year/month with some amount.

Or you can just pay taxes if in a country with robust, developed social welfare system and enjoy.

IA my guess is they are mostly legit but it’s puzzling where they ended up

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