Hi, I was planning to encrypt my files with GPG for safety before uploading them to the cloud. However, from what I understand GPG doesn’t pad files/do much to prevent file fingerprinting. I was looking around for a way to reliably pad files and encrypt metadata for them but couldn’t find anything. Haven’t found any recommendations on the privacyguides website either. Any help would be appreciated!


I’m using rclone, do you recommend I run borg on top of it to encrypt said files? And does borg explicitly do what I’m trying to achieve? I’m going to take a look at the documentation, thanks

I’m not really familiar with rclone. I just use Borg and it does about everything I could want. You can even ssh mount a Borg repo as a file system and browse the files, though it is read only (you can’t modify anything that way). Obvs you need the decryption key to do that.

I see. I’m using Cryptomator, but I was recently linked to rclone’s in-built encryption, which is probably what I’ll use next. Thanks

I will check into rclone again. People keep mentioning it. I think I may have considered it before deciding on borg. But my use case is primarily backup rather than archiving. The two aren’t quite the same.

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