As I speculated previously when Steam Deck OS 3.4.9 went into Preview, Valve has now released it as a Stable update for all Steam Deck owners for Starfield.

It looks like Fallout 4, but hopefully with more depth to the side content. I haven’t played, but I watched someone playing last night and the player got distracted with side content, so it seems like a classic Bethesda game.

Yeah, I’m going to look for more footage, and I think it’s on my “wait for a year” sort of list, I guess. I mean, I never actually finished Fallout 3, NV or 4 - maybe I should finish those first before getting another similar thing.


@fakeman_pretendname If you’re going to play 3/NV, check out the Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands project. It merges Fallout 3 into NV so it’s a single playthrough and other cool stuff.

Brilliant, thanks for the heads up! I wasn’t too far in either one, so a restart would be no issue. I’ll have a good look into that :)

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