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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Yes, but only for the specific game ID folder. Do not delete the whole compatdata folder!

I know you wrote “game id” at the end, but it was written inside “<” these, and for some reason that didn’t display on Jerboa. I had a horrible vision of someone else having the same issue and following along without seeing that bit.

In response to your update, the individual setting with the program is a sort of “override” to the defaults.

If you go into:

Steam menu at top > settings > compatibility

You should see options for:

  • enable steam play for supported titles
  • enable steam play for all other titles
  • run other titles with [proton 8.0-5]

To the best of my knowledge, any title which is pre-checked by Steam (and has a green tick or whatever) is covered by the first option - this will automatically install and run using the version of Proton it was first confirmed to run with. If it ran fine with Proton 3.0-0 or whatever when it was first tested, it possibly still uses that version. Some certainly get rechecked with newer versions. It’s worth noting this is confirmed to work on Steam Deck (with its AMD graphics) - sometimes the default checked version will not work so well when you play on the desktop.

The second option allows you to set a default Proton version for all other titles - if you’ve not adjusted this, it’s possibly set on an older version.

You can override this on a game by game basis (as you have been doing already) - for example, on some games, steering wheel controllers work on 6.3-8, but not the newer version 7/8 etc. So my default is everything runs on the newest Proton, except I override some driving games to run on an older version.

[Edit]The point of this being, Cyberpunk, as a confirmed working game, will have defaulted to the version which works with the Steam Deck, without you doing anything (Leaving the “run with steam play” unticked) - that version may not be best suited to a desktop/laptop running Nvidia graphics. Changing the version manually overrides the default version… and I hope it’s all working well for you :) [End edit]

There’s a brilliant and in depth guide on the gamingonlinux website, which is definitely worth a read if you’ve got time: Gamingonlinux Steamplay guide

For trying to get back into your computer, as squid_slime mentioned, check the CTRL+ALT+F1, CTRL+ALT +F234567 etc first, and see if you’ve still got any control over the computer.

If you get a terminal, you may be able to run “top” to show you the top processes currently running, then CTRL+C to close top, look at the ID of Cyberpunk (if it’s still running) i.e. 12345, then run “kill 12345”.

After that you may be able to get back to your desktop - may be CTRL+ALT+F7, but could be any of the F keys really. You may have to go back and kill some other wine/steam processes. If the system is fully frozen, this won’t work.

The other thing to look at is to see what the logs say - I can’t remember if Ubuntu includes a log viewer by default these days, but you can easily get one from your Software Centre (or you can rummage around in var/log if you’re into that kind of thing).

Anyway, in a GUI log viewer, you should be able to see some system logs from when the program was shut down (a drop down menu at the top normally lets you select a time period) - these may help for searching i.e. “why has my Nvidia driver fallen off a bus?” rather than “Cyberpunk crashes my computer when it closes” - because the same error will have probably happened with other programs you’re not familiar with.

Also, when I’ve had these crash-on-close in the past, it was quite often an NVidia thing, and it sorted itself out a few updates later.

Before everyone gets in a panic from reading the headline, the bug is from ~2014 - 2015ish, so it’s almost 10 years ago now.

Yeah, I tried looking to see if there were other Blitz3d games with Wine reports etc, but found nothing useful so far. I feel like it’s done this text thing for a few years, but the game is a little too obscure to find a solution for.

Also - Blitz3d source code for mdickie games available here archive.org mdickie sourcecode

There’s a chance reading through that might illuminate what’s being used to render text.

I definitely used to run this on Wine (probably through Playonlinux) many years back, but I can’t remember if text ever looked fine, or if I just put up with it.

Anyway, tried it on my newer laptop just now and it shows up the same as yours. I think it’s the antialiasing (or shadow?) which is showing up solid white that is making it hard to read. I tried installing a fairly random selection of “winetricks” type things, but none made any difference.

You can slightly increase legibility by swapping the font - you can stick another font in the root folder renamed as “Comic Book Normal.ttf” and it’ll replace it - but it doesn’t solve the issue.

If you (or anyone) does solve it, it’d be good to know what the solution is.

p.s. I’ve got that menu song stuck in my head now.


Brilliant, thanks for the heads up! I wasn’t too far in either one, so a restart would be no issue. I’ll have a good look into that :)

Yeah, I’m going to look for more footage, and I think it’s on my “wait for a year” sort of list, I guess. I mean, I never actually finished Fallout 3, NV or 4 - maybe I should finish those first before getting another similar thing.

That’s a very comprehensive answer, thanks! It sounds very positive. I’ll definitely try and find a few longer gameplay videos. On the other hand, I’ll probably wait for the discount and bugfixes a year down the line.

What’s the game actually like? I was sort of expecting a mind-blowing science fiction exploration rpg space opera, but after the initial mining bit, it sort of just looked like another boring (I understand that might be a bit of a minority opinion) first/third person shooter game.