We were recently made aware of multiple potential DNS leaks on Android. They stem from bugs in Android itself, and only affect certain apps.

The amount of leaks iOS intentionally does, let alone the part where they tell you to use their own (not so) Private Relay feature, is enough to stick around on Android.


Uhhhh, source? Those are pretty bold claims to just casually toss out

The other fellow provided some links, but this is a serious, in depth technical elaboration on the topic. https://gist.github.com/iosecure/357e724811fe04167332ef54e736670d


The one that irks me is how some apps that have already established a connection can ignore the VPN. I always wondered about that, like if I enabled my VPN, what happens to existing connections. One thing I couldn’t find is what apps can do this? If it’s third party apps, that’s pretty serious. But if it’s just Apple apps or default ones, that’s a far less of a concern seeing as Apple seems to bypass VPN anyway for its in-house wares.

You should treat Apple as a third party to your data. Apple is not your friend. No corporation is your friend. Apple is even worse than the average corporation.


LOL. They built the entire fucking OS. If they want to siphon my data, they can. Without anyone knowing. Also everything is linked to my Apple ID. So what’s the point? They already know everything and have tied it all together with my unique IDs, device serial numbers and the payment data associated. What’s the point the of running FaceTime over a VPN? They already know everything…

At some point you have to stay calm and think rationally.

Now if Twitter or some random app I downloaded from GitHub can bypass my VPN, then yeah, that’s a pretty big concern as they currently have nothing on me.

I’m going to ignore the “corpos aren’t your friend” because FUCKING DUUUHHHHHH

If you have sold your soul to Apple already, then that is not a problem. You may take this as offensive or factual, I do not care. Why? Because I use Android phones without a Google account. You may think, this person does not have a life, I do. But I also have a life. I use online groceries and use shopping sites through Firefox web browser. I have WhatsApp and Discord with lots of restrictions and a firewall with 400k+ domains blocked all the time.

How much data you consider okay to give away to corpos is up to you. However, understand that once you give away this or that data about you, there is no way to return back to an option or time where nobody had that data about you.

Yes, I am pretty anal about my privacy, security, anonymity and freedom. And I am shameless about it.


LOL. Just trying to take a reasoned take to the situation bro. Every OS siphons user data Einstein. Yes even Linux (distros like Ubuntu do). A VPN won’t save you. It’s cute you think adding a lock on your room’s door will keep people out of your house.

Good luck in your travels.

I have written guides for smartphone hardening and Linux/Windows computing, among other things. This is my defense.


Cheers 🥂

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