I never consent to give my data away or being tracked, but how do you deal with so called legitimate interest? I tried several times to untick them but it is a long list (in fact at the bottom there is a “vendors” link with even longer, much longer list. It took me 10 minutes to get to the bottom of it once).

My questions:

-how can we trust these so called legitimate interests when they are self defined by companies whose business model relies on your data?

-how can we find out what these legitimate interests are and what data it collects?

-are such companies controlled in any way?

-is this kind of consent form compliant with EU gdpr? (normally opt out is to be as easy as opt in, and there is no “refuse all” for these so called legitimate interests).

-what are your strategies against such sites tracking you? Or am I just being paranoid?

The sheer amount vendors is daunting, the Internet really turned into crap

Edit: when clicking Preferences at the bottom the content of the legitimate interested is spelled out for each vendor, so this replies one of my questions.

If the person is innocent until they are proven guilty. Also it is entirely possible they were innocent

Your reply is completely unrelated to what I said. There is no such thing as a decent defense for raping someone. If they didn’t rape anyone, good! If they did, that is an indefensible act by its very nature.

I made no comment at all on whether or not any specific individual is guilty or not. So I’m really confused what your point is here…?

Possibly linux

You are saying that they don’t set a defense. No matter the crime, you deserve defense. No one, not even sexual predictors, deserve to be stripped of constitutional rights. Such things also are related to prejudice.

No. Read it again. I never said allegation. I never referenced court proceedings. I said the act of rape is indefensible.

If you commit rape, there is no “decent” defense. If you didn’t, then my comment doesn’t apply. Simple as that.

There is no excuse for sexual violence, and there never will be.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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