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millennials were doing that in their 20s though. it was a whole drama with some of my friends when i switched to android back in the day (5-8 years ago, mind). you just want to be a grumpy old.

you just want to be a grumpy old

Doesn’t everyone just want that? I cant wait till I can wear my stubborn ignorance as a badge of pride.

I had a fucking Nokia brick phone in my 20s and nobody gave a shit what kind of phone I had. Maybe your friends were just…shall we say, not of the quality of person I would desire in members of my social circle.

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Did you have a Razor? Best phone I ever had.

I think it was a 2220 or something similar. One of those old school Nokia slide phones.


Im a 36 year old millennial and when I was in my 20s no one gave a fuck what you used we were just stoked to have smart phones lol

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