I read a bit about using a different DNS for Privacy and I think the best one should be quad9? Or is there anything better except self hosting a DNS?


You run a local resolver for your household and enable DNS encryption where supported. Using a VPN for everything removes your ISP from the loop. It’s a matter of privacy layers and your threat model. If you want to play with TLAs you’ll need to try way harder.


If my threat model realistically involved TLAs or other state-sponsored actors I would not be advertising what I do or do not know on a public forum such as Lemmy, haha.

This conversation was in the conext of running Unbound, which is a recursive resolver and AFAIK DNS “encryption” isn’t a thing in a way that helps in this scenario… DoH, DoT, and DNSCrypt are all only concerned/deployed by recursive servers, meaning unbound isn’t using those. DNSSEC only provides authentication (preventing tampering) of the response, not any sort of encryption/hiding.


I’m also running unbound on my opnsense, configured to use root DNS servers. Don’t recall what exactly is enabled.

Yours is a good point why I should run all my traffic through a Wireguard tunnel to my dedicated server, so that my ISP is out of the loop.

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