Recently, i had to move from nixos to windows against my will simpy because of anti cheats. While i dont game that much, the few games i enjoy playing are all online with some kind of anti cheat. I used to dual boot but i was tired of having to wait for my slow hdd to load windows (i only have one ssd). I literally used linux for everything else but because of anti cheats i am forced to move to windows. I managed to make it a little better by using wsl2 and removing bloatware but it will never be the same as linux

Fair. Everyone games for different reasons.

I’m a developer, so my day-to-day work is very much “new” every week. When I go home I definitely want something repetitive and easy. I’ve never had a problem doing repetitive tasks in gaming. I played exclusively modded minecraft for 6 years, so this is nothing new to me.

I honestly think the last Single Player game I completed was Bioshock Infinite when it released. (And Doom Eternal I think) Most of the time when a game is released and I buy it I’ll get 5-10 hours in and get supremely bored of the mechanics.

I’m getting home and explicitly not looking for new experiences, so I definitely see where we’re different there.

I’m a developer too, so I guess just different strokes for different folks.

I really like developing software, so half the time I’ll work on a personal project or something when I get home (work is team lead for Python and TypeScript, hobbies are Rust or Godot), and the rest I’ll split between reading/writing books and playing video games. I lose interest in projects, books, and games easily, so I tend to be constantly looking for something new.

Different strokes I guess. I’m quite introverted, so it’s more draining for me to play MP than a complex puzzle game or a “git gud” game like Dark Souls.

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