The day is finally here. Xwayland now has the code for Explicit GPU Synchronization merged after waiting over a year for everything to be ready.

This merge resquest has finally been merged into XWayland, which means NVIDIA users are just one beta driver release away (May 15th) from probably having a good experience on Wayland now!

Nvidia users will also need a DE update, but yeah, we’re finally almost there.


It’s definitely a large leep, but it’s not going to solve everything. I’d say it brings us to ~85% completion. There’s still a lot of smaller issues in need of fixing, and some issues unique to specific problem cards. Nvidia needs to put in that last 10% and the community needs to put in that last 4%. The 1% are the tiny bugs spread across the ecosystem that’ll get fixed overtime.

Nvidia shouldn’t need to put anything in. It’s entirely Waylands fault that it does not work well with the already existing hardware and drivers environment.

Nvidia is shit for so many reasons but not because Wayland doesn’t work well with it.


Nvidia’s failure to implement the spec correctly is solely their own.

Its not the car manufacturers failure when the road is broken.


It’s the car manufacturers failure when they can’t properly put their tires on to safely drive on the road or put on tires that weren’t up to code to begin with.

If Nvidia had worked together with Wayland devs from the beginning this wouldn’t be an issue

Did they worked together with X11 to the same extend they need to work together with Wayland?


If Nvidia had worked together on Xorg, we wouldn’t have had all of those shitty Nvidia unique x11 bugs with Nvidia’s crappy proprietary drivers in the past.

Cannot confirm any Nvidia unique X11 bugs since everything works perfectly fine since a decade or so for me – but tons of Nvidia unique Wayland bugs (same driver version and same card). I am not quite sure if Nvidia are really the bad one in this specific case.

My whole invironment is full of stuff to make Wayland actually work with Nvidia.

$ cat .config/labwc/environment 

Not one single line of configuration is used for X11.

You’re using a WM bud, wtf do you expect?

I expect it to work, like Openbox works on X11.

That’s true, but thankfully it’s already been merged in mutter and is underway in kwin.

The code for GNOME has already been merged, KDE has a merge request open for it too, Mesa also already has it merged in.

Who thought individual compositors having to re-implement base features individually and over and over again would be a good idea?

Same with the dozens of different protocols and portals and all the other magic bullshit. Once feature-complete with X11,Wayland will be of same complexity.

Once feature-complete with X11,Wayland will be of same complexity.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the Wayland/X11 devs (same people) know more about the way the X11/Wayland projects are structured than you do.

They absolutely do. And I hope they prove me wrong.

They already have?

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