Recently, i had to move from nixos to windows against my will simpy because of anti cheats. While i dont game that much, the few games i enjoy playing are all online with some kind of anti cheat. I used to dual boot but i was tired of having to wait for my slow hdd to load windows (i only have one ssd). I literally used linux for everything else but because of anti cheats i am forced to move to windows. I managed to make it a little better by using wsl2 and removing bloatware but it will never be the same as linux

I hope they didn’t actually buy it from M$ at least, but a third party reseller for five bucks

I did, it was £79 or £89 if I recall. Windows 10 home edition. Also I don’t get Windows 11 because my mobo/cpu don’t support it.

In Germany we would say “Windows 11 ist Quatsch”

Personally never bought it. (Windows activation script ftw)

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