At this point, I’m not even going to bother trying to go on there anymore.

And I just discovered this some weeks ago. The “woah there, pardner!” is so cringeworthy.


To me it sounds like a racist, homophobic Southern US citizen that likes to tote their guns and “defend” their property through the Castle doctrine because freedom (fuck yeah!).

Actually the perfect encapsulation of the brainrot on reddit.

removed by mod


Nobody in the south says shit like this unironically lmao.

You’ve never been to the South

You mean about the “Woah there , pardner?” or the overwhelming about of racism, bigotry, and homophobia?

I mean I’ve been to the South and I can confirm one of these two things.

Try again. Take your bullshit hot takes the fuck out of here. It’s tired and old. Nobody is buying it anymore.

Right, I forgot that Fox News declared that racism in America is no longer a thing.

Thanks for making me aware that the situation with the racism like the Ahmaud Arbery case is in the distant, distant past and southern racism is not a thing anymore.

Appreciate you putting me into the white view of the situation.

The whole website is cringe. It has some of the best little communities are on there, but they are the exceptions. Most of it is power-tripping mods and disingenuous arguments from far-right lunatics on a foundation of “narwhal bacon lol.”

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