I have heard good things about nobara. I don’t mind doing a little thinkering to have things work but I also don’t want to spend hours doing recharch on how to fix things.
Edit: thanks for giving input everyone. I will try Linux mint and if it does not go well will give nobara a go instead.
Edit part two I had to boot mint in compatibility mode because I got black screen for like 15+ minutes and then I couldn’t get it to see more than one monitor and 3 hours later gave up…Just put on nobara will load mint to my laptop and try to learn more because I want to but also tryna game :) you will hear more from me
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…from what games you want to play, which hardware are you using, and so on.
I built up a new pc last november, mostly for gaming. So nobara was a great choice and all my games are running fine on it. Including Baldurs Gate3, Cyberpunk 2077, Satisfactory and Everspace2.
If you are not into buying the top-notch games on day one, you may look into other distros too. Nobara is grear, but I had some issues with my display setup (2 monitors with different rosolution) that may not have happened with mint or another more stable distro