Snot Flickerman

The problem is we live in America, where “self-regulation” is the rule.

They can’t get away with lying when it comes to well-crafted and well-enforced regulation. America just doesn’t want to do it partially because of the revolving door between Regulators and Regulated. If you work for Verizon for 15 years as a lawyer and then move on to be, say, the Chair of the FCC, it’s pretty fucking valid to question whether or not you’re actually working in the interests of the citizens.

In America, that exact issue was treated as a nothingburger, so much so that the man in question made a “comedy video” making fun of the idea that he was still working with Verizon’s interests in mind. We let corruption flow so much in the USA, the elites literally joke about it like they’re not rubbing it in our faces.

There are ways to organize governance that prevent this, and you just happen to live in a country where laws like that are a non-starter because all the politicians and regulators are paid off and owned by the people being regulated.

USA is a fucking racket, top to bottom. That’s the issue.

Liars can’t lie if they’re forced to regularly prove what they’re doing and have to bring evidence and have to prove that evidence hasn’t been tampered with.

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