For a phone, you’re probably going to keep it for less than 5 years, so babying the battery really isn’t worthwhile since the battery will probably outlast how long you keep your phone for if you just charge overnight every night or fully charge it daily

On my Pixel 1, I wasn’t careful about the battery, regularly draining it fully and then charging it to 100% (and leaving it on the charger for extended periods) and after 18 months, I was already looking into getting the battery replaced due to greatly reduced capacity.

At a friend’s suggestion, I installed Accubattery which alerts me whenever the battery is about to go outside the 20-80% window. I almost always unplug from the charger when I get to 80%. That second battery on the Pixel 1 kept most of its capacity for 4 years. Now my mom has that phone, with the same battery, and even though the capacity went down a bit since, it’s more than enough for her needs still.

Though some of the phone makers are finally getting the message that some of us want to keep a hold of our expensive phones for a long while. My new Pixel 8 has 7 years of security updates, which should work fine for my purposes. I’ll probably replace the battery somewhere in there, though.

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