Windows 96.52%

Linux 1.95%

OSX 1.54%

I do wonder what percentage of Linux users reject the survey compared to Windows users. Not that it’s changed much, but every little helps right?

I rejectec it because I was busy with something else.

I rejected it on my steam deck, on my aging windows computer and on my Linux laptop.

I’m not going out of my way to give data to a private corporation

(Even if it’s a kawaii “good for consumer” corporation)

Fair enough, each try their own

I don’t mind anonymous data going out that will serve to potentially improve my experience gaming on Linux

The problem in my eyes is the non anonymous data that goes out that is used to design horrible addiction machines

At least a survey is them asking for information, not just quietly gathering it behind our backs.

Yeah, I’m not shitting on it and I’m grateful to the people who fill it out, I’m just lazy

You know it’s not really an actual survey right? It can get all the info it needs on its own it just asks for permission

I guess I never clicked lol

I’m not sure, on one hand Linux users are quite privacy oriented but on the other hand “I use arch btw”

@flashgnash @samc As a linux steam player i answered this survey 2 times on the last ~15-20 years.

And i did it then, because i wanted to feed steam’s efforts on linux as gaming platform.

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