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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Are you really comparing someone flying a drone over your property to slavery?

You can’t really get a jammer to disable only a drone. The jamming will affect an area all around, likely affecting the neighbors’ wifi, bluetooth connections, and other radio signals like cellphones, for example.

If that happens, it would get noticed, reported, and investigated very quickly.

Also super illegal and easy to get caught for.

Mine only uses a 4-to-6 digit pin as a password, and sms for 2fa

At least a survey is them asking for information, not just quietly gathering it behind our backs.

I rejectec it because I was busy with something else.

Some anti-cheats work on Linux. Some do not, like Riot’s Vanguard.

If you keep your game library on an NTFS drive, both OSes can access it. The Linux version of Steam just downloads additional Proton files for your games.

I believe Protondb has the option to sign in with your Steam account, and show you the status of everything in your library.

Someone posted a guide on Steam forums to get it running under linux. You can check it out here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2044037599