looking for a VPS with good specs for it’s price, at the same time it should be as safe as possible, I don’t want whoever’s running it to have access to my files

the main thing I need is storage, like 300-400 gb of storage would be perfect, idk how much that’d cost tho

what do you guys suggest?

thanks in advance


I can recommend buyvm. 500gb storage from them (hdd) is $2.5/m I think. You can mount it encrypted. Small hosts like that usually have enough trouble keeping up with the day’s tickets that they can’t spend time messing with your files unless there is a definite issue. Note that if you are serving semi public content (seedbox?) then by definition it’s not very private. And no vps can be as private as using your own hardware.

I am planning on getting an older PC and turning it into a server, but for now I can’t afford it, so I need something temporary

You could get a kimsufi or similar cheap dedicated server and again, encrypt a disk partition.

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