It’s been a while since I started my privacy journey, but there was something I always wanted to do even before I started to care about my privacy. I always have loved the idea of having a blog to talk about different things that I am interested in, and creating content of value for others, and not gibberish content full of SEO spam, completely generated by AI as these are more frequently seem now, completely making the web worst.

I know the primary source of income on the internet are ads, but now that I am aware about all the tracking that is being made, and all the dark pattern companies make on the internet, has make me second thought the idea of making an income (I know is hard) out of something I would love to do.

Ads on the web are dominated by google, I have been de-googling my life since I started learning about better privacy focused alternatives, and following my thread model, but If I would add ads to my website or a create a youtube channel, I feel everything I have been doing would’ve been in vane. Currently I block ads because of all the tracking they required, so it feels kind of hypocritical if I started a blog with ads.

Obviously, instead of ads, I could create a support page somewhere, like patreon, ko-fi, and others. But again, I am sure that these platforms in a way or another is doing something I don’t feel comfortable with.

Does anyone else feel like because of their care for digital privacy they are missing out and are afraid to do things? I know this is a price you have to pay. Do you have any recommendations or alternatives? or should I still do it, but with more caution? If you make money online with your content, what is you strategy and recommendations to keep your privacy while doing it?

I understand that you cannot obtain absolute privacy, by the way I would not consider myself as paranoiac, and I didn’t started by changing everything in one night, it’s been two years since I started to care about all of this.


One other way might be sponsorships, where brands and services that you trust and recommend may pay you to have a short sponsorship statement. I’m not familiar with how that works, but it could be another way to go about it

Apathy Tree

Affiliate link programs, too.

the ones that track whoever clicks on them, you mean?

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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