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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


No Airbnb I’ve ever stayed in has mandated that the beds be made.

Every Airbnb I’ve ever stayed in doesn’t make me do any of that. Obviously if the trash gets full, I’d take it out, but it’s never been a requirement. The furthest I’ve ever had to go with bedding/towels is to remove them from the beds and pile them up on the floor. Similar with dishes, I’ve only ever had to put them in the dishwasher, never wash them myself.

The whole “you have to clean up after yourself” part is a major turnoff for me.

I mean, yeah you’re expected to be respectful of the space you’re using. If you make a mess, you’re expected to clean it up or pay an extra cleaning fee. There’s a really easy way around that though - don’t make a mess. Seems reasonable to me.

It sounds dumb because no one’s saying that, you just made it up. That would be like if someone was directly crediting Gabe Newell with, idk, CS:GO battlepass sales or something. That’s not what anyone’s saying.

A better comparison would be crediting McDonalds as a company for their work in the handheld apple pie space. Did they outsource the work? Maybe. Did they come up with the recipe themselves? Probably not. But without McDonald’s involvement, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy hot, fresh, fruit-filled pastries with our Big Macs, and our fast food dessert choices are better for it. See? Much less dumb.