• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Feb 22, 2022


Yep. I’ve tried other clients, but somehow this one just stuck for me. Simple interface, works well.

Agreed. Although The Fediverse also can’t easily be searched via your standard search engines, so finding that public information is harder than on other social media apps (for now…).

This isn’t to say there isn’t a privacy concern using any Fediverse Social media platform. It’s just that there are some inherent design implementations that make it hard for the average person to invade the privacy of a user of the platform.

This is, of course, afaik. Please let me know if I’m mistaken.

Lol. I mean maybe not if you planted and protected a fuck ton of trees in the rainforest, or cleaned out a shit load of plastic from the ocean, but yeah…

I can respect that. I’ll admit my finding new creators has slowed considerably since I stopped using Youtube directly. Now I just use word of mouth from podcasts and YT creators I already follow. For me, as of right now, that’s fine.

But if I had just joined the platform, I’ll admit there’s just no way I’d discover as much, and would probably just use the platform directly.

You can request a csv file of your subscriptioms from Google which you can import into Libretube and then cut ties with Youtube entirely, at least on mobile. There are other methods on desktop.

Futo supports the following languages:

English, Chinese, German, Spanish, Russian, French, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Catalan, Finnish, and Indonesian.

I love Openboard as it has the closest layouts to Gboards (looks almost exactly the same imo). But I’ll admit that it’s prediction, while usually fine, can be very janky when trying to just edit a block of text. It will often delete the last space, undo the recent character edit, or jump to a different part of the text block when typing out the new edit.

All that said, the GrapheneOS default keyboard is just too basic imho, and while FlorisBoard is nice, it had worse prediction from what I observed.

The best is Gboards, and as another poster pointed out, you can just turn off Network access foe it to prevent telemetry. I just would prefer to use a competitor.

The settings do have a slower option that according to Rossman is more accurate. I have not played with it cuz I personally have no issues with the accuracy at the default speed.

Interesting. I was under the impression that Google’s SST required Network access.

The Chameleon extension could solve some of the fingerprinting issues as it can randomize the browser and OS info that is sent.

i wasn’t aware. Could you link the specific post? It’s not up on the feed from that community in jerboa…

EDIT: Found it. okay, yes, FUTO does have some telemetry issues. Glad I posted this as it needs this kind of scrutiny thank you!

On the flip side, I now have another Lemmy community I joined and the Exodus App that catches these sorts of trackers is pretty cool. I already had revoked FUTO’s network permissions on GrapheneOS, so hopefully that mitigates the telemetry problem.

Right To Repair Advocate Louis Rossman recently announced the release of FUTO, a Text To Speech App that respects your privacy. After having played around with FUTO on my GrapheneOS Pixel, I can honestly say it's nice to have. Using the Openboards Keyboard, I'll admit that the one thing I missed about Gboards was its text to speech capability, but I refused to use it because it logs everything said into it. IMHO, the team that developed FUTO have created something truly special here, and I'd recommend anyone to at least try it out. There is a one time $10 payment, but the developers have basically made this more like an opt in donation, as you can just click 'I Already Paid' and utilize the app regardless of whether you paid or not. If you try FUTO out, and like it, maybe throw them a few bucks. [Here](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=UCGaKvZpJYc) is an invidious link of Rossman talking about FUTO and its features.

DDG HTML is quite similar to Lite, IIRC Lite does have some JS involved as opposed to HTML version, but I could be wrong.

DDG is Microsoft Bing under the hood, so yeah, not ideal. DDG also made some controversial changes when the Russia/Ukraine war started, but at least for me, I just didn’t see any lesser evils in the room that could still get me the results I needed.

I’ve tried Brave Search and it’s impressive what they’ve done, but their monetization model via Crypto is unlikely to pan out and I don’t see them lasting long unless they can find a way to monetize without crypto and ad revenue.

As far as searx is concerned, it just pulls in a bunch of other search engine results and I’m not sure if it just ends up supporting those engines at the end of the day. If anyone else knows more about whether these search platforms are still able to monetize off of searx results, please chime in.

I haven’t heard of librex, but will take a look. Thanks for the lead!

I’m fine with DuckDuckGoLite. If I really wanted to have granular control though, I’d spin up my own private searx instance.

Yeah. I thought it was weird, but the stock Pixel is very secure, and if you install Graphene OS, it is even more so. Additionally, Graphene OS sandboxes The Playstore Apps, and gives you much more control over what the Apps you install are allowed access to. You have to go way out of your way to make it less private than the stock OS, and you pretty much can’t make it less secure than the stock OS.

You can get almost anything that works on the stock Pixel working on Graphene OS except for Google Wallet and the Android drive app. Banking Apps work, Google Apps work (but you might as well try to use alternatives).

I had an iphone for years, but after using Graphene OS for the past 3 months, I can honestly say I’ll do everything I can to not go back.

And on Android, Clipious works with Invidious. Not as nice as Libretube, but at least it will circumvent this bs should the need be.

You also can yt-dlp with invidious, sponsorblock, and “subscribe” using rss feeds. Once downloaded, you can then load it on your phone via usb if you want to go through the trouble…

That she does. Some of the finest content on youtube I’ve ever come across…and I watch a lot.

[Data | Philosophy Tube](https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=fCUTX1jurJ4) I found this vid from a few years back on Philosophy Tube's Channel. Every argument about Data Privacy I've ever heard or had is here. Kind of a depressing ending though.

I have GrapheneOS and recently tested Magic Earth and Organic Maps, in my rural area around town. For me, MagicEarth audio worked fine, but Organic Maps was mute…

Magic Earth found specific street addresses better than Organic Maps/OSM, but couldn’t list street names, just like OSM.

AFAIK, this is because Graphene prevents the downloading of the Google voice modules that have access to local street names. I could be wrong on this.

TLDR; You can’t. GrapheneOS prevents it because Google owns the voice modules including the specific street names and most privacy invading maps software tracks your location in order to vocalize the basic naviation and street names.